
Practicing mindfulness can significantly help us gain clarity in our thoughts, emotions, and actions. With increased focus and awareness, mindfulness is believed to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, enhance emotional regulation, and improve overall well-being. By taking a mindful approach to life, we become more present, purposeful, and empathetic towards ourselves and others.

Mindfulness is a practice. A practice of being present and aware. A practice of intentional thoughts and feelings in our actions. It’s about paying attention to the present. About being “in the moment” and experiencing it all in a non-judgmental attitude. These are three key tips to help you improve your mindfulness and wellbeing:

1. Practice Mindful Breathing:

Taking deep breaths, inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly can help us become more mindful. When we are feeling anxious or stressed, our breathing becomes shallow, and we tend to hold our breath. We must take a few deep breaths and focus on the sensations of our breath moving in and out of our body. By focusing on our breath, we become more mindful and present in the current moment. An everyday practice of mindful breathing becomes a natural habit that can be utilized to help us regulate in stressful moments.

2. Engage in Mindful Meditation:

Meditation is a powerful tool for mindfulness. With regular practice, it can train your brain to be cognizant in the present moment. Meditation teaches us how to observe our thoughts without judging or reacting to them. It helps us to develop self-awareness, self-compassion, and regulation of our emotions. Moreover, practicing mindful meditation trains our brains to focus on the present moment, and this is a skill that can be applied to our daily life experiences. It helps us to remain focused and mindfully present.

3. Cultivate Mindfulness in Daily Activities:

Bringing mindfulness into our daily activities is an excellent way to improve our mental health and general wellbeing. Intentionally applying mindfulness to tasks requires minimal effort. For instance, when we’re washing dishes, we can take the time to observe the task from a simpler angle. To be in the moment of our senses, such as the sensation of water on our skin, its warmth, the texture of dishes, utensils, and the suds of the soap. Whatever activity we do, we can choose in the moment to experience it on another level. We can train our minds to become more present and mindful in our daily lives.

Mindfulness is a way of life and a tool which requires a practice of consistency, self love, dedication, and patience. By mindfully practicing breathing and meditation in our daily activities, we can enhance our ability to be intentionally present, ultimately leading to a more fulfilled and healthy life.

Brian Chamberlin, Life Coach


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